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Showing posts with the label Events

Happy New Year

Hi! Happy new year,  better late then never. I pray God empowers you to achieve that which you have set before Him who can do all things. And I hope you have goals for the month and most importantly,  for the year. Goals are important, they guide us towards our dreams. Start your day right, with God. Pray and ask for His direction everyday. New day, new opportunities.  Don't let an opportunity pass you by. Opportunity,  they say, comes but once. My blog will be very active this year, there are a lot of things I really can't wait to share with you all. Stay blessed this new year and try as much as possible to stay away from  trouble. Love, X!

The David Oyedepo Day of Service

The David Oyedepo Day of Service (DODOS), an initiative of students of Covenant University, is slated to hold between September 21st and 27th 2015. The DODOS foundation is an avenue to impact lives and serve humanity. This year's edition promises to be fun and life-impacting. You can join projects or introduce your own project. Click  here  for more information on the David Oyedepo Day of Service.

The Redefinition Fashion Show 2015

Hello guys! So my school had her annual fashion show last Sunday(April 5th) and I decided to give you a little insight. Here's my report, sorry there are no pictures yet. I'll put up the pictures later. Enjoy! PS: Leave a comment xoxo The Redefinition fashion show, an annual event at Covenant University held last Sunday, April 5th. The show was tagged 'RetroRave'. Simply, the show's essence was to do a time travel into the 40s up into the 80s. From the flamboyant clothes of the 40s down to the stylish and elegant ones of the 80s. Featured designers were Island smith, Ruberlyn, Flawrig, and TheIndulgence(which showcased mainly bowties for the top10 models)amongst others.  The designers were indeed creative, and people gave their kudos for their excellent work and high fashion sense. At the end of the show, Sonia and Esther of Flawrig won the Fashion Brand of the year award carting away a sum of One hundred and Fifty thousand naira. Richard Okpanachi and Nike B

What's with Valentine's Day?

It's Val's day tomorrow and everybody seems happy about it. A lot of young couples are looking forward to it and some can't just wait for tomorrow to end. Well, I'm not saying Val's day should not be celebrated neither am I criticizing those who celebrate it; my point is simple, live is not for Val's day alone. People of this millenium have gotten so engrossed in Val's day that they now restrict showing love to only the 14th day of the 2nd month of the year. In every way, this is not right. I mean, love is an 'everyday' thing not a thing you keep in 'reserve' only to use it on February 14th of every year. It isn't just right. Love should be shown everyday to everybody, not just a particular person  or set of persons. Show love to people tomorrow, make it memorable, make it count, enjoy your day.