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Showing posts with the label Discuss

How bad could it get??

I wonder why people who have breath in them still complain of hunger...some people wish to be alive! I wonder why people who have food to eat still complain of overfeeding...some people wish to have just a little! I wonder why people who have legs to walk still complain of trekking under the hot sun...some people wish they had legs! I wonder why people who have clothes to wear still complain of old clothes...some people wish they had the clothes you call rags. I once came across a picture story of a girl who drew a mother on the bare ground and slept inside the image since she had never seen her mother before. I also came across a picture of children drinking water from a poorly eroded area...more like marshy. Before you continue with your activity today, take a look at your life and just see how God has favoured and blessed you. It doesn't matter what you're passing through right now, what matters is the breath in your nostrils! So I ask again, How worse could your l

Is it really worth it?

Just when you think about giving in to that temptation, ask yourself 'is it worth it?' The problem most youths face is the inability to look beyond their forehead. Most youths do not know that there's more to life than what the eyes can see or sees. Let me share this story with you, maybe it will give you an better view of what I am saying. Leke has been like a son to me and I really love him. He just complete his secondary education and was looking forward to this University freedom. The fact that the University is a place that you parents aren't doesn't mean you should take liberty for granted, I always told him. He proved himself to be a good boy in his first year and came out with a first class result, I was so impressed. The second semester held suprises for me Leke began to take unusual advantage of this his freedom and began to move in the company of his so called God-forsaken friends. I was shocked when I heard that Leke was suspended for hoarding contraba